Saturday, April 3, 2010

what I feel

i just miss the moment
miss when we share lot of story
miss when we laugh out loud
miss when we drop a lot of tears
I miss everythings
now,everythings become so SILENT


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

back off holiday

off to ILIM

so, meet you halfway :D

p/s:sesat xnk cri.tros blek umah. HAHA

Saturday, March 13, 2010

examination fever

exam abis suda :DD
tp tkot..
tkot ad failll...
add math jangan la fail
tp kalau fail ley msok imtiyaz
best juga :DD

sejarah,alhamdulillah A,hampir A+

QS x sure sbb soalan susa
preassure gle tym nk jwab soalan uh
x cye tnye imcop,,dy dga ak bebel tym mle2 dpt kertas

account da stdy,tp unexpected soalan yg kuar
even x imbang,arap2 dpt la markah yg bnyk!

bm,bi,syariah so far okey!

math mode + barab un arap2 ok laaaa

ekonomi un!EA paper 2 alhamdulillah laaa,ley jawb

SC un insyaAllah A..
nak A!


ak target 5a taw exam ni
arap2 dpat laaa..
nak 5a!
insyaAllah 5a

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


tahun SPM ni,penggunaan internet MEMANG di sekat
so lpas ni jarang2 on9 laaa
facebook,myspace,super-ez ni ak xkesa sgt
tp ak kesa
cian la skin nk update sorg2
tp nk wat gane kan?
da xley on9
tp xp laaaa
t ak try
ak try

i will

i will delete all those past post
and start with new

i mean delete all those super-nonsense post

Saturday, December 12, 2009

happy weddinng! PART 1

hai selamat pengantin baru
kami semua ucapkan
menikmati hidangan
sala lrik daaaa shot tok ak sorg jep!
the suami and the isteri :) :)

hihi :))

and the paparazzi goes here :DD
uhlala~izzat and fara :)comel jehh :)uhhhh. I adore his DSLR!

none of my picture here :(

Saturday, December 5, 2009

ey isyqi

5 dis 2009
bday isyqi yg ke 1+3+4-2+1+1

happy birthday
semoga anda tidak lagi nakal
ayuh tinggalkan playstation anda!
jauhi semua itu

nah akk blnje kek
mahal kot :P

act tu kek wedding abg roza.happy wedding day!
semoga bahagia ke anak cucu

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

come,I teach u how

Why did you let me go?

i am?

I still love you.

oh, sweet, who cares ?

When did we last talk?

should i remember ?

Will you go out with me?

okay , let's go !I bring along my bff

Hey, can I give you a ride?

opsss, nopeeee.

I cannot keep my promise to you.

ohhh, no its okay dear ;|u dont have to.

My friends say we look good together.

then dont , :)

You changed.

not me, but you !

Can we get back together?

should we ? no i guess

Oh, I knew what this is all about. You found someone else.

hmmm, interesting, maybe, why? jealousy ?

Don't you realize? You are the one who hurt me!

ohh, really ? soryy sayangs :)

How can you forget our memories?

do we have the memories ?

I will always love you.

ohhh, sweet, but i dont love you :)

that's great huh?

wahai ahli dorm asma!

eyy kanak kanak!

akk tahu la korg balek awal
tp xkan la smpi xjmpe akk,salam akk.
wuwu :((
cdey taw!
akk balek2 dorm je dorm da kosong
loker sume kosong
tilam da blipat
mcm rumah hantu da haaa

tga cdey2 uh
geram un ad gak
ya Allah
korg tggl dorm dlm keadaan bersepah!
tuhan je la tahu
plastik berterabur
botol air bersepah
habuk kat atas lantai berterbangan
smapah berselerak
buku memenuhi lantai
kalah dorm bdak puter*
kalau ad gmba,da lme akk upload
nceb xd camera jep
panas je tgk dorm
then smnggu kat sekolah
akk ngan teah un berkerjasama laaa kmas dorm
kemas gilaaa
xyah mkck nisda tguh nk susah2 kmas dorm uh
hampeh nyer adek dorm
da la balek x gtaw!
akk majok
xnk 1 dorm ngan korg tahun dpan
alia,timah date kite nk jalan2 dlm 'kotak' cancel!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

syira tgk ni!

td aku mcm biase laahh,bukak youtube.explore2 tb ak jmpe vdeo shinee (taemin) ngan suju hyungs.huhu.comel kot.suke aku tgk.haha.try la usha jap.

aku tgk kyu hyun tu da mcm abg taemin daa.muke lbey krg jep.huhu. <33

and 1 lagi.f(x) amber ngan shinee key.jnji comel.dorg speaking.haha.klakar key pggl amber hyung.haha!trok!last skali dy ckap she's my boo.haha.

waaaa.demam korea!hampeh!


new account
seyes aku lupaaa gilaa acc lame
sng je kan wat acc baru
suke hati aku jep
nceb bek free
ni acc bru ni ak da save dlm fon
xigt lg xtaw laa
ak rse mcm nk gtw sumer org je username n password aku
bia sng cket.instead ak lupe ag ley mnx kat korg
ap2 je laa
korg bce laa eh post ak
myb ak bnyk merepk je ni
bce je jgn bnyk tnye
huhu :))

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